So here is the situation-
Hello from Royce and April!To briefly bring you up to date on our situation: we quit our jobs, sold our house, sold our car, housed our dog, Scout, with good friends, put everything else in storage and left Reno in late April. Since then we have spent quite a bit of time with our respective families, traveled with friends and family to Idaho and Montana, camped on the northern California coast, visited friends and family in Florida and New York and are presently wandering around Europe with 2 backpacks and a rail pass and possibly have intentions of traveling around the world for as long as a year or more.
Our lives have done a complete 180 degree turn from the somewhat frivoulous and shallow existence we had in Reno, working too many hours, spending too much money, not doing the things we really enjoy and justifying it all by looking at it as a means to an end, an end in which we would retire and do all these things we were missing out on. So, we are doing them now, before we have kids, while we have motivation and while we still don't have any physical ailments that may make it impossible in the future.
For many years now, April and I have dreamed of traveling around the world as well as we have actively pursued finding work overseas - to no avail. Ultimately, this trip serves three purposes: Travel around the world and see as much as the planet as we can, do things together that we may otherwise never find time to do again, and possibly create the opportunity to work and live overseas, or if work continues to be elusive, at least live in a foreign country and really absorb the culture as a resident and not as a tourist.
Given our history of restlessness and relocation we have certainly been in training for this type of thing for quite some time. We have lived in Corvallis, OR, New Orleans, LA, Corvallis again, Austin, TX, Caledonia, MS, Reno, NV, along with a few brief stints in other places and now we are finally homeless. Happy and homeless.