April: It was very strange to get off the plane in Chicago and be able to suddenly understand and comprehend everything around me. I began to experience sensory overload. I was so excited to finally get that nonfat raspberry latte from starbucks and have access to soft toilet paper. Lets just say I was happy to be in the US again.
The first day I was back in Reno, I had my hair cut and eyebrows waxed...it had been awhile. Then it was off to Fernley to see Scout. I missed her so much and was worried she would bark and growl at me. After 30 seconds of confusion, she was on my lap and happy to see me:). That weekend, a bunch of friends and I headed to Salt Lake City for a great ski trip. As always, Nicki did a fantastic job planning it. I had such a fun time skiing and catching up with everyone. Zane, Thank you so much for hunting down my perfect skis!!
So once we returned safely to Reno, I did my laundry (I was able to use a dryer!!!), packed up, and drove to Grants Pass. I had dinner and caught up with Royce's family, collected things to take back to Poland, and relaxed. The weather was not that great, so I often found myself cuddled up to the wood stove with red wine and a good book. Royce's dad and step-mom have a perfect home in the country for resting, except for the occasional rooster crow or donkey song.
After a few days, I traveled up north to Corvallis to spend time with my family. It was really nice to see everyone and be back to more familiar things. I had fun shopping, getting pampered with a manicure, going to the beach, and eating huli huli chicken from Local Boyz. I also caught up on some movies I had missed, and stocked up on some books. The best part was to see family and friends and just relax and talk with them all. I feel like I miss so much when I am away.
My journey in the Willamette Valley concluded and I was off to Grants Pass to spend time with Royce's family again. This time I stayed at his mom's house and once again spent time catching up. Unfortunately, my stay in Grants Pass this time was cut short because of a bad storm. I collected all the things we had left at his mom's house last Spring and made my way through the mountains and back to Reno. Luckily, I just missed the storm and was safely back in Fernley with the Houston's and Scout.
The next week in Reno was crazy, due to an added trip to Park City, Utah, to look at condos. I spent a couple of evenings at the bullriding competition, a couple of days at the slopes, another day snow shoeing, and the rest of the time was spent collecting more things for Poland. Things like deodorant soap, Tampax Tampons, flashcards, montreal chicken seasoning, ranch dressing, A1 Sauce, Kraft Mac and Cheese, and many more items, do not yet exist here. So, it was a whirlwind week! Oh, and thank you Jaymn, Nicki, and Becky for saving my birthday with those awesome cupcakes:)!
I ended my trip in Reno at PF Changs with Zane, Erin, and Nicki. I think this is where Royce and I had said goodbye the last time we had left, and I believe I ordered the same glass of red wine and hot and sour soup. Zane then helped me at the airport, where we tipped some guy to let my heavy luggage through (Zane also lifted my bag when it was on the scale), and I was off to Florida.

Nicki and Ty in Salt Lake
Zane and I skiing in Salt Lake
My niece Daphne, and sister-in-law Kyra
Daphne, you are just too cute!
My mom and I at the Oregon coast
A crazy night watching bullriding in Reno
Ya'll must shop at the same place;)
A couple of young riders...