Friday, October 07, 2005

Situation Update

Royce: We are now living in London while I do some work temporarily. The trip has certainly not been cancelled, it has simply been extended. Two of our four goals for this trip were to find work overseas and live in a foreign land for a significant amount of time at least twice so that we could learn a bit more about the culture and become "locals". It came a bit earlier than we expected and it is London, which is only marginally foreign in our minds, and I am not entirely sure you could ever become a "local" in a city this size, but we are getting an all expenses paid trip to one of the most expensive cities on earth. Why not? For more info on why we are here or if you want to know more about this job see:


At 3:09 PM, Blogger The Chunky Monkey said...

Hello April and Royce, I happened on your blog by accident and couldn't stop reading until I read everything and looked at every photo. What an awsome job! I admire your ability to say "the heck with it" and do what you are doing. I work for a company here in Ashland, Wisconsin called H Window Company. The main company is located in Norway. When in Norway did you see the windows that spin 180 degrees? Well that is what we make here. In fact the CEO of the H Window factory here in the states is from Norway himself.

Keep up the good work and I look forward to future posts. Take care and be safe as you head into the Middle Eastern countries.


At 7:25 PM, Blogger Hannah said...

Hello, Royce and April!
I'm so glad you guys have decided to keep a blog of your adventures. I've spent the afternoon catching up on everywhere you guys have been since France - amazing! It's fun to compare notes on the places we've both been.

I will admit that I'm quite jealous and starting to think that Tim and I shouldn't have left.

Looking forward to hearing more stories - have fun and travel safe, guys.

At 6:03 PM, Blogger SierraMom said...

Hi Guys - Adam told me to check out your blog and I finally did! But, unfortunately I'm "working" right now so only had time to briefly browse through. When I have more time I want to read all about your travels. Good for you guys... living your dreams. That's so exciting!
Take care,
p.s. Check out our family at

At 8:33 AM, Blogger Shelka04 said...

Jesus H, I can't figure out which is worse. The notion that I was just in Earls Court or that your only as far as London.
I cashed it all in and bought a trailer park in New Mexico. Work now is little more then 4 or 5 hours a day or replacing leaky sink washers and broken front steps.
I plan on wintering over in Australia, NZ and Tahitia from about December till march. Any chance of meeting up?

At 8:34 AM, Blogger Shelka04 said...

Jesus H, I can't figure out which is worse. The notion that I was just recently in Earls Court or that you're only as far as London.
I cashed it all in and bought a trailer park in New Mexico. Work now is little more then 4 or 5 hours a day or replacing leaky sink washers and broken front steps.
I plan on wintering over in Australia, NZ and Tahiti from about December till march. Any chance of meeting up?


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